Thursday, September 4, 2008

Weekend Fun

So, this is my first blog ever so I'm not really sure about exactly what to write. (I don't really want to have my personal info on here so how about what I did on the weekend?) I went to a bbq that my former teacher was holding for his students. One of the students had recently seen a U tube video where some guys popped popcorn using four cell phones. We decided we should try it. Turns out, it doesn't work. We used microwave popcorn instead of the regular, maybe that had something to do with it.. If anyone else has ever made this work, let me know. I'd like to know what we did wrong.
We then played cranium. If you've ever played, you will know that it is the most entertaining game ever. You wind up acting, drawing, sculpting and answering random questions. I was the designated sculptor/drawer for out team. The game wasn't even close, we came in dead last but I enjoyed playing nevertheless.

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